ID Badges

Applications for a port ID are accepted at the port ID office, 1530 S.E. 24th St. (Spangler Blvd./State Road 84).

Hours of operation:

All applicants must provide:

These documents establish identity and eligibility to work in the U.S. and are considered acceptable proof of both.

Complete application by one of the following methods:

For questions or assistance with the application process, call the ID office at 954-765-4604 or 954-765-4225.


Federal law requires a person seeking unescorted access to any seaport facility in the country to obtain a Federal Transportation Worker Identification Crendential (TWIC). To apply for a TWIC, visit and select TWIC. This site also allows you to schedule an appointment with the nearest application center and track your status.

Oakland Park Office
1541 E. Commercial Blvd.
Oakland Park, FL 33334
Hours: 9 AM - Noon; 1 - 6 PM Monday - Friday

For more information, call 1-855-347-8371 weekdays 8 AM- 10 PM EST.

Pursuant to local, state and federal law, all persons entering Port Everglades are subject to established security restrictions:

Cruise Passengers

Valid Picture Identification

Picture identification, accepted by Port Everglades for issuance of access badges, includes the following:

Day Laborers

Proof of Destination

Permanent Employees