How to cite a UN treaty (BibTex entry)

I need to add to my bibliography (in LaTeX, using Bibtex) an entry for the Paris Agreement (2015): However, I have been unable to find any BibTeX-style (or, for that matter, any citation format) for how to cite such a UN treaty. What would be the right format?

asked Aug 14, 2018 at 3:11 185 2 2 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges

Not sure whether it's better suited to Academia.SE. if it is, please feel free to migrate the question.

Commented Aug 14, 2018 at 3:12

Here's what the APA blog has to say:… I think this covers most of the things. The APA is an author-year style, so if you're using any author-year style their guidelines would probably work, assuming that most journals don't have a specified style for them. If you are working in a legal citation framework, however, things may be quite different. If you only need this very rarely, then using a misc entry type would probably be simplest.

Commented Aug 14, 2018 at 3:35 Commented Aug 14, 2018 at 3:39

The exact form for your .bib entry will probably have to depend not only on the desired output, but also on the (BibTeX/ biblatex ) bibliography style you use in your document. For the occasional use @misc as suggested by Allan Munn seems the obvious choice, but the exact content of the fields may have to be tweaked a bit between styles.

Commented Aug 14, 2018 at 5:35

For biblatex @misc, date = , note = , > would work reasonably well - it wouldn't give you the exact APA style output, but it would probably be close enough for most other intents and purposes.

Commented Aug 14, 2018 at 5:45

2 Answers 2

Short answer: there is nothing exactly on point ready to hand. It can be approximated quickly, though.

Slightly longer answer:

Depends on what information you need to pass on to your reader.

What will come into play is choosing from a combination of already existing biblatex styles and the entry types they support.

For example, for general purposes:

The oxnotes biblatex style has a @legal bib entry type, and piltreaty subentrytype, which handles the legally relevant dates. URLs are not really part of that picture (yet).

\RequirePackage \begin <\jobname.bib>@legal, title = , shorthand = , execution = , pagination = , journaltitle = , url = , urldate = > \end \documentclass[12pt] \usepackage[english] \usepackage[autostyle] \usepackage[style=oxnotes, isourls=true, ] \addbibresource <\jobname.bib>\begin \section As stated in the \citetitle[Article 4, paragraph 2]: ``Parties shall pursue domestic mitigation measures, . '' \printbibliography \end

oxnotes treaty

The apa style, by contrast, has a @data entry type which looks promising: it does a nice url, but its dates are limited (more publication-related), and there is not a cascade of them.

\RequirePackage \begin <\jobname.bib>@data, type = , entrysubtype = , %shorthand = , day = , month = , year = , organization = , url =, urlday = , urlmonth = , urlyear = , author = <>, > \end \documentclass[12pt] \usepackage[english] \usepackage[autostyle] \usepackage[style=apa] \addbibresource <\jobname.bib>\begin \section As stated in the \citetitle[Article 4, paragraph 2]: ``Parties shall pursue domestic mitigation measures, . '' \printbibliography \end

apa treaty

To get an idea of the effort needed to adapt a style, adding a url to the oxnotes legal entry turns out to be a one-line change, since all the heavy lifting and pre-work (field definition, assignment and allocation; date parsing and processing; options processing; string constant definition) has already been done.

We just get the already-formatted and packaged url+urldate and "bung it in" at the end (literally) of the bit that prints the formatted legal entry item in the bibliography (code from the foundational oxref.dbx file and copied into our document tex file's preamble:

\DeclareBibliographyDriver% \usebibmacro% \iffieldequals% \setunit\newblock ><% \iffieldequals<\parliamentarytype>% >>>% \setunit\newblock \printfield[default] \setunit\newblock \setunit% \usebibmacro% \usebibmacro%=========== this line \usebibmacro> 
\RequirePackage \begin <\jobname.bib>@legal, title = , shorthand = , execution = , pagination = , journaltitle = , url = , urldate = > \end \documentclass[12pt] %============================= \usepackage[english] \usepackage[autostyle] \usepackage[style=oxnotes, isourls=true, ] \addbibresource <\jobname.bib>%============================= \DeclareBibliographyDriver% \usebibmacro% \iffieldequals% \setunit\newblock ><% \iffieldequals<\parliamentarytype>% >>>% \setunit\newblock \printfield[default] \setunit\newblock \setunit% \usebibmacro% \usebibmacro%=========== this line \usebibmacro> \begin \section As stated in the \citetitle[Article 4, paragraph 2]: ``Parties shall pursue domestic mitigation measures, . '' \printbibliography \end

oxnotes legal with url

To change the apa style to be able to handle the dates is TML (too many lines) - for me, anyway :) . Doable, certainly. But not a five-minute job. Although, thinking about it for a moment, the dates could go in as extra, individual fields, and then get formatted, and with bibstrings added. So, six minutes, then.

179k 23 23 gold badges 282 282 silver badges 827 827 bronze badges answered Mar 28, 2019 at 12:42 10.2k 1 1 gold badge 17 17 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges

Very nice answer. Incidentally, as the author of oscola , which is (largely) used by oxnotes for legal material, I suppose I was responsible for not including the URL in treaties. The documentation suggests that it's a deliberate decision; but I can see an argument for having it, and that argument might be stronger for oxnotes and oscola because whereas practising lawyers ware likely to know how to find a treaty given the reference, others might not.

Commented Mar 28, 2019 at 13:23

I regularly cite UN treaties as an international law researcher, and so far the best footnote style I've found is oscola and the best endnote style is oxnum (both based on Biblatex). They conveniently use the same bibliographic format with the piltreaty subtype and treaty-specific fields. The relevant entry in my .bib file looks like this:

@legal, title = , execution = , pagination = , reporter = , series = , pages = , note = <>, shorttitle = , > 

This produces "Paris Agreement (adopted 12 Dec. 2015, entered into force 4 Nov. 2016) ATS 2016 24." as a full reference. The url is not typically added in legal citations, but could be done as described by Cicada's answer.

In this case I refer to the Australian Treaty Series (ATS), but only because the Paris Agreement has not been published in a United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS) volume yet. The UNTS online url for the Paris Agreement is this, and it will show an UNTS vol and page number when it's published there. UNTS is the main UN treaty publication, not the one you point to in your question. If you do want to cite that one, the series name is "Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary General", abbreviated MTDSG.

You can find more examples and explanations in my Gitlab repo on treaty references with python scripts that generate .bib files from data scraped from UNTS and ATS. It's easy generate a project-specific .bib file if e.g. a particular publication/submission is not supposed to include the date of entry into force of a treaty, just remove the relevant information from the bibliographic entry.

N.B.: This is answer is for the best case scenario where you can choose the citation style yourself or the required style is identical or very similar to what oscola and oxnum (or other oxref packages) produce.