The complete trademark fee chart ("fee schedule") is accessed by clicking on the button immediately below:
Note: Almost all trademark fees for any part of the process are calculated on a per class basis for all listed goods and/or services, which will make overall fees higher if goods/services fall in more than one class.
Option 1: TEAS Plus | Option 2: TEAS Standard |
$250 per class of goods/services | $350 per class of goods/services |
The cost of attaining a trademark varies depending upon the filing basis selected, and which initial application form is used. Each of these filing options have specific requirements that impact the fee amount. There are certain factors used to calculate the filing fee for an initial application, and you should be familiar with these factors before accessing the new application forms:
Note: A more detailed overview of Trademark fees is also available.
Note: Additional fees will be required if filing within the grace period. A more detailed explanation of maintenance filing requirements is available.
TEAS and TEASi have been enhanced to allow for payments via a new online fee payment management tool, Financial Manager. Once you complete your order in TEAS or TEASi, you’ll have the option to “Pay as a guest” or “Sign in” using your account credentials. View an introduction to Financial Manager to help you get started. If you need assistance using Financial Manager, please contact the USPTO help desk at 1-800-786-9199 and press 3, then press 4. You may also send an email to
Financial Manager offers you three easy to establish, easy to manage methods of online payment:
Alternative method of payment:
We do not accept cash payments.
Foreign funds not accepted: All fees must be in U.S. dollars. For additional information on payments, review the Fees and payment page and the Fees and payment FAQs. The USPTO encourages paying fees online using the forms available on the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).
Fees paid are generally not refunded by the USPTO. Registration is not automatic and requires legal review by an examining attorney. Please take all necessary steps to ensure your mark is entitled to receive a trademark registration before filing an application. For example, it is important to take steps such as consulting the USPTO Manual of Acceptable Goods and Services (ID Manual) and searching the USPTO database before beginning the application. For more. Information on the USPTO refund policy, see TMEP Section 405.04.
For questions concerning fees and payment methods, contact the Trademark Assistance Center.